
Melbourne BuildingThe images used on this site are not the usual stock photos we are used to of Canberra.

The photography used throughout this site has been produced by Jonathan Mandl, Senior Consultant at Gillian Beaumont Legal. 

Jonathan's first degree was at the Canberra School of Art, majoring in photography. He has continued to maintain an active involvement with the arts community in the ACT and is a regular exhibitor.

The Melbourne Building, on the right, was based on design principles set by John Sulman in sketch form. The design work was finalised by J H Kirkpatrick. The buildings were the model which establish the colonnade principle, an important design element throughout Civic. From 1921 to 1924 Sulman was chairman of the Federal Capital Advisory Committee, and in that role was involved in the planning of Canberra and refining Griffin's plan.

We regularly feature the work of other photographers who are connected to the legal profession in Canberra. Our boardroom is presently exhibiting works by Dean Beaumont showcasing images of St Peter's Cathedral in Adelaide.

Feel free to enquire about the works on display.